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DIN EN 14363:2016-10

Railway applications - Testing and Simulation for the acceptance of running characteristics of railway vehicles - Running Behaviour and stationary tests; German version EN 14363:2016

German title
Bahnanwendungen - Versuche und Simulationen für die Zulassung der fahrtechnischen Eigenschaften von Eisenbahnfahrzeugen - Fahrverhalten und stationäre Versuche; Deutsche Fassung EN 14363:2016
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Acceptable running characteristics of a railway vehicle (hereafter called vehicle) are essential for a safe and economic operation of a railway system. They are related to: - the vehicle; - the operating conditions; - the characteristics of the infrastructure (track layout design and track quality) and - the contact conditions of the wheel/rail interface. The objective is to quantify the vehicle's performance under known representative conditions of operation and infrastructure. This standard describes methods to assess the vehicle performance in the following areas: - safety against derailment on twisted track (see 6.1); - running safety under longitudinal compressive forces in s-shaped curves (see 6.2); - evaluation of the torsional coefficient (see 6.3); - determination of displacement characteristics (see 6.4); - loading of the diverging branch of a switch (see 6.5); - running safety in curved crossings (see 6.6); - running safety, track loading and ride characteristics (see Clause 7). The vehicle performance is assessed in two stages. Usually in the first stage the basic characteristics and low speed behaviour are investigated before first runs on the line under controlled operating conditions. In the second stage the running behaviour is assessed. The assessment of a vehicle according to the elements listed above can be performed either by physical testing, numerical simulation, calculation or comparison with a known solution (dispensation). Details about the requirements relating to the choice of the appropriate assessment method are given in this document. The operational envelope (speed and cant deficiency) that the vehicle has been assessed for needs to be documented. The establishment of this document was based on existing rules, practices and procedures. The following principles were applied: - the railway system requires comprehensive technical rules in order to ensure an acceptable interaction of vehicle and track; - the performance of new railway vehicles has to be evaluated and assessed before putting them into service; - it is of particular importance that the existing level of safety and reliability is not compromised even when changes in design or operating conditions are demanded, such as the introduction of higher speeds, higher vertical wheel forces, modification of the suspension, etcetera; - it is possible to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this standard by comparison of relevant parameters or by simulation if changes are made to the design or to the operating conditions; - as the combination of all the target test conditions described is not always achievable, the compliance against the missing target test conditions can be demonstrated by other means. Requirements on running safety under longitudinal compressive forces in S-shaped curves of certain vehicles are given in EN 15839, while EN 16235 specifies a method to get dispensation from on-track testing for vehicles equipped with established and standardized running gear, if certain conditions are fulfilled. The informative Annexes A, B, C, D, E, F; Q, S, T and U contain requirements that have to be fulfilled when the corresponding annex is applied.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 14363:2005-10 , DIN EN 15686:2010-11 , DIN EN 15687:2010-11 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 14363:2019-11 .

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