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DIN EN 15687:2010-11

Railway applications - Testing for the acceptance of running characteristics of freight vehicles with static axle loads higher than 225 kN and up to 250 kN; German version EN 15687:2010

German title
Bahnanwendungen - Fahrtechnische Prüfung für die fahrtechnische Zulassung von Güterfahrzeugen mit statischer Radsatzlast größer als 225 kN und bis zu 250 kN; Deutsche Fassung EN 15687:2010
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This European Standard covers the on-track testing for acceptance of the running characteristics of railway freight vehicles with static axle loads higher than 225 kN and up to 250 kN. This European Standard has been prepared by WG 10 "Vehicle/Track Interaction" of CEN/TC 256 "Railway Applications" as a supplement to EN 14363:2005, which is related to the acceptance of railway vehicles with static axle loads up to 225 kN. It is intended to transfer the requirements of this standard to EN 14363:2005 once the latter has been revised. The preparation of this European Standard was based on existing rules, practices and procedures. The following principles were applied: 1) the railway system requires comprehensive technical rules in order to ensure an acceptable interaction of vehicle and track; 2) due to numerous national and international regulations new railway vehicles had to be tested and homologated before putting them into service. In addition, existing acceptance has to be checked when operating conditions are extended; 3) in view of the increasing significance of international railway traffic, the standardisation of existing regulations is required. In some cases, additional rules are required as well. An update of existing regulations is also needed due to the considerable progress achieved in the field of railway-specific methods for measuring, evaluation and data processing; 4) it is of particular importance that the existing level of safety and reliability is not compromised even when changes in design and operating practices are demanded, for instance by the introduction of higher speeds, higher wheel forces. This European Standard takes account of the present state of the art which is generally applicable for test procedures and the evaluation of 'on-track' tests. This document is derived in essential parts from UIC 518-2 which has not yet been fully validated by experience. The working group is aware that the combination of the test conditions is not always achievable. In some cases, the existing regulations may require exceptions for which justification will be provided to the acceptance body. In this event, the conditions which are not fulfilled will be identified. The working group expects that existing shortcomings will be recognized in further investigations and during frequent application of the rules.

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