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Phone +49 30 58885700-07

How to find us

Größere Karte anzeigen

DIN Media GmbH
Am DIN-Platz
Burggrafenstraße 6
10787 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 58885700-00
Fax: +49 30 2601-1260

Closest underground railway station (U-Bahn)
Wittenbergplatz (U1, U2, U3)
From here it is about a 5 minute walk.

Closest long distance railway station

Take the S-Bahn from here (direction Westkreuz) to Zoologischer Garten. From Zoologischer Garten take the Bus 100 to Bayreuther Straße (approx. 20 minutes).
(Bus 200 stops near the Alexander-von-Humboldt Haus on Budapester Straße)
Taxi costs approx. 10 EUR

Closest long distance railway station (Regionalbahnhof) and S-Bahn station
Zoologischer Garten

From here it is about a 10 minute walk. Or take the Bus 100 to Bayreuther Straße. (Bus 200 stops near the Alexander-von-Humboldt Haus on Budapester Straße)

From the Berlin airport: S9, RE7, RB14 bis Zoologischer Garten

Tips on using Berlin's public transport system:
Single tickets for the public transport system (AB Tariff Zone) are valid for one trip in the direction of your destination.
You may change trains/buses etc. or interrupt your journey as often as you wish.
All tickets must be validated before entering the train/bus or immediately upon starting travel.
You may also purchase other tickets at the ticket vending machines (e.g. day tickets, weekly tickets).

You can park your vehicle in the DIN parking garage.
Please call us well in advance to reserve a spot.
The entrance to the parking garage is Budapester Straße 31 (Alexander-von-Humboldt-Haus).

DIN Media Kundenservice
Contact us  Standards Worldwide

Am DIN-Platz | Burggrafenstraße 6
10787 Berlin