The German Construction Contract Procedures (VOB) are the basis for public construction contracting and procurement in Germany and most major private projects. It combines legal provisions and technical rules.
The 2019 VOB complete edition replaced the 2016 edition as of 1 October 2019.
A supplement with the revised VOB/C General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) will be published in the second half of 2023.
The VOB is compiled, maintained and updated by the German Contract Awards and Contract Committee for Construction Services (DVA). It is published as a complete edition in Part A (DIN 1960), Part B (DIN 1961) and Part C (the “ATV” standards).
DIN Media offers the following:
In November, the DVA (German Contract Awards and Contract Committee for Construction Services) decided to publish a supplement to the 2019 VOB complete edition. It is expected that this will be published in the second half of 2023. Accordingly, it can be understood that a new VOB complete edition will not be published next year.
The new supplement will contain the revised VOB/C “General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV)”. Further details are expected to be clarified in the first half of 2023. It is already confirmed that the completely newly prepared DIN 18448 “Work on contaminated buildings and technical installations” will be published with the new supplement.
In general, the supplement is published when new versions of various Part C standards have been finalized, but Parts A and/or B cannot (yet) be adopted in new versions, or are subject only to marginal changes. The supplement is then valid in conjunction with the corresponding previous complete edition.
In concrete terms, this means the new Part C standards from the 2023 Supplement will replace the previous ones from the 2019 VOB complete edition. Those standards which have not been revised in VOB/C of the 2019 VOB complete edition will remain valid.
The 2019 edition of the VOB brings with it a number of changes.
Would you like to know what has changed in the areas of the VOB that are relevant to you?
We provide an overview of such changes. Below you will find:
F = technically revised |
Technical revisions were necessary to reflect developments in the construction sector.
Editorial revisions include updated normative references, grammatical or spelling changes and updated references to sources.
F | DIN 1960 | VOB/A – General provisions relating to the award of construction contracts (VOB/A) |
U | DIN 1961 | VOB/B – General conditions of contract relating to the execution of construction work (VOB/B) |
F | 18299 | VOB/C – General technical specifications in construction contracts (VOB/C) |
R | 18300 | Earthworks |
R | 18301 | Drilling works |
R | 18302 | Borehole sinking operations |
U | 18303 | Timbering to trenchwork |
R | 18304 | Piling |
F | 18305 | Groundwater lowering |
U | 18306 | Underground drainage |
U | 18307 | Laying of pressure pipework outside buildings |
R | 18308 | Land drainage and infiltration management works |
R | 18309 | Ground treatment by grouting |
R | 18311 | Dredging work |
R | 18312 | Underground construction work |
R | 18313 | Diaphragm walling |
U | 18314 | Sprayed concrete works |
R | 18315 | Road construction — Surfacings without binder |
R | 18316 | Road construction — Surfacings with hydraulic binders |
R | 18317 | Road construction — Asphalt surfacings |
F | 18318 | Sett and slab pavements, and surrounds |
R | 18319 | Trenchless pipelaying |
R | 18320 | Landscape works |
R | 18321 | Jet grouting work |
F | 18322 | Underground cable laying work |
U | 18323 | Clearing of unexploded ordnance |
R | 18324 | Horizontal directional drilling works |
F | 18325 | Track works |
R | 18326 | Renovation works on drainage channels |
R | 18329 | Management of road safety measures at road works |
R | 18330 | Masonry work |
R | 18331 | Concrete works |
F | 18332 | Natural stone work |
R | 18333 | Cast stone works |
U | 18334 | Carpentry and timber construction works |
U | 18335 | Steel construction works |
F | 18336 | Waterproofing |
F | 18338 | Roofing works |
R | 18339 | Sheet metal roofing and wall covering work |
R | 18340 | Dry lining and partitioning work |
R | 18345 | Thermal insulation composite systems |
R | 18349 | Repair work on concrete structures |
R | 18350 | Plastering and rendering |
R | 18351 | Work on back-ventilated curtain walling |
F | 18352 | Wall and floor tiling works |
R | 18353 | Laying of floor screed |
F | 18354 | Mastic asphalt works |
R | 18355 | Joinery |
R | 18356 | Parkett- und Holzpflasterarbeiten |
R | 18357 | Mounting of door and window hardware |
F | 18358 | Rolling shutters works |
F | 18360 | Metal construction works |
R | 18361 | Glazing works |
R | 18363 | Painting and coating work — Coatings |
R | 18364 | Corrosion protection of steel structures |
R | 18365 | Flooring works |
R | 18366 | Application of decorative coverings on walls and ceilings |
R | 18379 | Installation of air conditioning systems |
R | 18380 | Installation of central heating systems and hot water supply systems |
R | 18381 | Installation of gas, water and drainage pipework inside buildings |
F | 18382 | Electrical installations, safety systems and information technology systems |
F | 18384 | Installation of lightning protection, surge protection and earthing systems |
U | 18385 | Installation of lifts, escalators, passenger conveyors and materials handling equipment |
R | 18386 | Building automation and control systems |
U | 18421 | Insulation of service installations |
U | 18451 | Scaffolding works |
U | 18459 | Demolition and dismantling works |
DIN 18299 “General rules applying to all types of construction work”
In Clause 0 information on the safety and health plan, the Baustellenverordung and work relating to accident prevention has been included. in Clause 4, the subclause 4.2.10 on traffic safety measures outside the building site has been deleted.
DIN 18305 “Groundwater lowering”
The Normative references have been updated. A combined accounting of works (e.g. items x hours, items x days, items x weeks) and a differentiation between sump pumping and groundwater lowering by wells have been included in Clause 0. In Clause 1 the “Scope” has been revised. In Clause 4 additional associated tasks have been included.
In Clause 5 rules for deductions for pipe joints, fittings and valves have been revised in subclause 5.3.
DIN 18318 “Sett and slab pavements, and surrounds”
The Normative references have been updated. Clause 0 has been extensively revised. In Clause 1 the “Scope” has been revised. In Clause 3, reservations according to VOB/B (DIN 1961), § 4, Clause 3 are now dealt with, and new subclauses have been added. In Clause 4 additional associated tasks have been included. In subclause 5.3 the rules for deductions have been structurally revised.
DIN 18322 “Underground cable laying work”
The Normative references have been updated, a combined accounting of works (e.g. m/day, m/week, m/month etc) has been added to the revised Clause 0, and the Scope has been redefined (it now also applies to the laying of conduits, microtubes and microtube bundles). Clause 3 now takes into account conduits and ducts, and rules for the blowing in of cables, microtubes and microtube bundles are now included. In subclause 4.2 the list of special tasks has been extended.
DIN 18325 “Track works”
The Normative references have been updated. Clause 0 has been revised. In Clause 2 the rule that materials or components set aside shall not pass into the ownership of the contractor has been added. Changes have been made to the content of Clause 3 (e.g. the rule that welding and safeguarding work are not to be carried out without monitoring by the client). Acceptance measurements after mounting switches and the provision of a construction supervisor for equipotential bonding are now associated tasks.
DIN 18332 “Natural stone work”
In DIN 18332 “Natural stone work”, the Scope has been made more precise.
DIN 18336 “Waterproofing”
DIN 18336 “Waterproofing” has been extensively revised. It has been brought in line with the new standards series DIN 18531 to DIN 18535. For this reason, the rules included in DIN 18338 “Roofing works” and DIN 18354 “Mastic asphalt works” on waterproofing have been deleted. DIN 18338 “Roofing works” thus has a different German title.
Normative references have been updated, and Clause 0 has been extensively revised, including the inclusion of combined accounting of works (e.g. m²/day, m²/week, m²/month). The “Scope” has been revised both in form and content. The sealing of carriageway deck slabs of bridges that form part of public highways is still not covered. Clause 3 has been restructured, and in Clause 4 additional associated tasks (e.g. the protection of components and equipment from soiling, and the levelling of height differences in scaffolding bases up to a levelling difference of 40 cm). In subclause 4.2 the list of special tasks, and in subclause 5.4 the list of individual provisions for the settlement of accounts have been extended.
Among other changes, information on post-construction waterproofing is now included in DIN 18336.
DIN 18338 “Roofing works”
see DIN 18336
DIN 18352 “Wall and floor tiling works”
In DIN 18352 “Wall and floor tiling works” the technically required width of joints has been limited. New standards on waterproofing require new references to standards. Rules on the cleaning of wall and floor tiling are now included. Clause 5 has been revised to reflect the new structure for deductions.
DIN 18354 “Mastic asphalt works”
see DIN 18336
DIN 18358 “Rolling shutters works”
DIN 18358 “Rolling shutters works” has been extensively revised. The Scope has been made more precise. Clause 3 now contains rules on the adjustment, instructions and acceptance of the system. The rules for scaffolding as an associated task or special task have been included in the new structure. Clause 5 has been completely revised.
DIN 18360 “Metal construction works”
In DIN 18360 “Metal construction works”, Clause 0, which includes details required for drafting the specification of works, has been extensively expanded. Clause 3 has been extensively revised. Associated tasks and special tasks in Clause 4 have been modified and made more precise.
DIN 18382 “Electrical installations, safety systems and information technology systems”
DIN 18382 “Electrical installations, safety systems and information technology systems” has a new name. Like DIN 18384 “Installation of lightning protection, surge protection and earthing systems”, it now includes precise details on which planning documents are to be handed over to the client and which documents are to be provided to the contractor for acceptance. Material and design standards have been updated.
DIN 18384 “Installation of lightning protection, surge protection and earthing systems”
DIN 18384 “Installation of lightning protection, surge protection and earthing systems” has a new name. See DIN 18382 regarding revisions made to content.
Source: Introductory decree to the complete edition of the German Construction Contract Procedures 2019 (VOB 2019) of 23.09.2019, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, reference number: BWI7-70421/2#3
Publication DIN Media Kommentar 2020-10
Stahlbauarbeiten und Metallbauarbeitenfrom 58.00 EUR VAT included
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Publication 2019-10
VOB Gesamtausgabe 2019from 54.00 EUR VAT included
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Publication [WITHDRAWN] DIN Media Praxis 2020-03 Article is not orderable
Rechtssichere Musterbriefe zur VOB/Bfrom 54.00 EUR VAT included
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from 54.00 EUR VAT included
from 50.47 EUR VAT excluded
Publication DIN Media Recht 2019-11
VOB/A + VOB/B 2019from 86.00 EUR VAT included
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