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VOB 2019 and Supplement 2023

The German Construction Contract Procedures (VOB) are the basis for public construction contracting and procurement in Germany and most major private projects. It combines legal provisions and technical rules.

The 2019 VOB complete edition replaced the 2016 edition as of 1 October 2019.

A supplement with the revised VOB/C General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) will be published in the second half of 2023.

The VOB is compiled, maintained and updated by the German Contract Awards and Contract Committee for Construction Services (DVA). It is published as a complete edition in Part A (DIN 1960), Part B (DIN 1961) and Part C (the “ATV” standards).

DIN Media offers the following:

  • the 2019 VOB complete edition
  • the VOB Supplement, which will be published in 2023
  • comments on all VOB parts
  • specialist literature regarding its application
  • sample letters for legally compliant implementation
  • VOB online: the complete VOB as a digital subscription, including updates
  • training on VOB offered by the DIN Academy

VOB Supplement 2023

In November, the DVA (German Contract Awards and Contract Committee for Construction Services) decided to publish a supplement to the 2019 VOB complete edition. It is expected that this will be published in the second half of 2023. Accordingly, it can be understood that a new VOB complete edition will not be published next year.

The new supplement will contain the revised VOB/C “General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV)”. Further details are expected to be clarified in the first half of 2023. It is already confirmed that the completely newly prepared DIN 18448 “Work on contaminated buildings and technical installations” will be published with the new supplement.

In general, the supplement is published when new versions of various Part C standards have been finalized, but Parts A and/or B cannot (yet) be adopted in new versions, or are subject only to marginal changes. The supplement is then valid in conjunction with the corresponding previous complete edition.

In concrete terms, this means the new Part C standards from the 2023 Supplement will replace the previous ones from the 2019 VOB complete edition. Those standards which have not been revised in VOB/C of the 2019 VOB complete edition will remain valid.

VOB 2019: What has changed compared to the 2016 edition?

The 2019 edition of the VOB brings with it a number of changes.

  • The VOB/A (DIN 1960) has been comprehensively modified.
  • Several amendments have been made to the VOB/C standards: of the total of 67 standards, 14 have been technically revised, 40 have been editorially revised, and 12 remain unchanged.

Would you like to know what has changed in the areas of the VOB that are relevant to you?

We provide an overview of such changes. Below you will find:

  • a list of all VOB standards and their status (changed or unchanged)
  • information on the content of all changes in the technically revised VOB/C standards


Publication DIN Media Kommentar 2020-10

Stahlbauarbeiten und Metallbauarbeiten

from 58.00 EUR VAT included

from 54.21 EUR VAT excluded

Publication 2019-10

VOB Gesamtausgabe 2019

from 54.00 EUR VAT included

from 50.47 EUR VAT excluded

Publication [WITHDRAWN] DIN Media Praxis 2020-03 Article is not orderable

Rechtssichere Musterbriefe zur VOB/B
für Auftraggeber und Auftragnehmer vor, während und nach der Bauzeit
VOB commentaries

Publication DIN Media Recht 2019-10

VOB/A 2019

from 54.00 EUR VAT included

from 50.47 EUR VAT excluded

Publication DIN Media Recht 2019-11

VOB/B 2019

from 54.00 EUR VAT included

from 50.47 EUR VAT excluded

Publication DIN Media Recht 2019-11

VOB/A + VOB/B 2019

from 86.00 EUR VAT included

from 80.37 EUR VAT excluded

Check out our VOB online service

VOB online is a full service for the most important provisions for the awarding of construction contracts and contract conditions for the execution of  construction work, always kept up-to-date through regular updates.

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