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220 search results

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Standard [CURRENT] 2018-05

DIN EN 62657-1:2018-05
Industrial communication networks - Wireless communication networks - Part 1: Wireless communication requirements and spectrum considerations (IEC 62657-1:2017); German version EN 62657-1:2017

from 174.20 EUR VAT included

from 162.80 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2023-12

DIN EN IEC 62682:2023-12; VDE 0810-682:2023-12
Management of alarm systems for the process industries (IEC 62682:2022); German version EN IEC 62682:2023

153.92 EUR VAT included

143.85 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2017-11

DIN EN 62714-3:2017-11
Engineering data exchange format for use in industrial automation systems engineering - Automation markup language - Part 3: Geometry and kinematics (IEC 62714-3:2017); German version EN 62714-3:2017

The data exchange format defined in IEC 62714 (Automation Markup Language, AML) is a data format based on XML schemas and has been developed to support data exchange between engineering tools in a ...

from 271.90 EUR VAT included

from 254.11 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2017-06

DIN EN 62952-1:2017-06
Power sources for a wireless communication device - Part 1: General requirements of power modules (IEC 62952-1:2016); German version EN 62952-1:2016

Industrial wireless communication devices such as pressure transmitters or positioners mainly use energy sources without copper cables. These devices use power modules as power sources, which may ...

from 102.10 EUR VAT included

from 95.42 EUR VAT excluded

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Draft standard 2022-10

DIN EN IEC 63082-2:2022-10; VDE 0810-082:2022-10 - Draft
Intelligent Device Management - Part 2: Normative Requirements and Recommendations (IEC 65E/885/CD:2022); Text in German and English

107.81 EUR VAT included

100.76 EUR VAT excluded

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Draft standard 2022-09

DIN EN IEC 63270:2022-09 - Draft
Industrial automation equipment and systems - Predictive maintenance (IEC 65E/877/CD:2022); Text in German and English

from 156.50 EUR VAT included

from 146.26 EUR VAT excluded

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Draft standard 2023-08

DIN EN IEC 63339:2023-08 - Draft
Unified reference model for smart manufacturing (IEC 65/930/CD:2022); Text in German and English

from 355.50 EUR VAT included

from 332.24 EUR VAT excluded

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Draft standard 2024-09

DIN EN ISO 11161:2024-09 - Draft
Safety of machinery - Integration of machinery into a system - Basic requirements (ISO/DIS 11161:2024); German and English version prEN ISO 11161:2024

from 186.50 EUR VAT included

from 174.30 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 2019-06

DIN SPEC 3103:2019-06
Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies in application scenarios for Industrie 4.0
Procedure : PAS

Free of charge

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 2016-12

DIN SPEC 16592:2016-12
Combining OPC Unified Architecture and Automation Markup Language

This DIN SPEC has been prepared by a workshop (temporary committee) in the course of the PAS procedure. The document has been prepared and adopted by the authors named in the foreword. This ...

Procedure : PAS

Free of charge

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