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Standard [CURRENT] 2023-07

DIN 51531:2023-07
Petroleum waxes - Determination of oil content

from 65.70 EUR VAT included

from 61.40 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2012-12

DIN 51532:2012-12
Petroleum waxes - Determination of melting point (cooling curve)

This document has been prepared by NA 062-06-61 AA "Prüfung von Schmierölen, sonstigen Ölen und Paraffinen" ("Testing of lubricating oils, other oils and Paraffin") at the Standardization ...

from 43.40 EUR VAT included

from 40.56 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2010-03

DIN 51579:2010-03
Testing of paraffin - Determination of needle penetration

from 58.30 EUR VAT included

from 54.49 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2008-06

DIN 51580:2008-06
Testing of petroleum waxes - Determination of cone penetration

from 58.30 EUR VAT included

from 54.49 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2023-05

DIN 51750-3:2023-05
Testing of mineral oils - Sampling - Pasty and solid materials

from 43.40 EUR VAT included

from 40.56 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2016-08

DIN 52018:2016-08
Bitumens and bituminous binders - Thermal effect in an oven and determination of change in mass by thermal effect

This document has been prepared by Joint Committee NA 062-03-32 GA "Bitumen; Prüfverfahren und Anforderungen für die Bindemittel" ("Bitumen; test methods and specifications of binders") of the ...

from 35.60 EUR VAT included

from 33.27 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2015-08

DIN 52045-1:2015-08
Bitumen and bituminous binders - Evaporation test - Part 1: Testing of petroleum cut-back bitumen

This document has been prepared by Joint Working Committee NA 062-03-32 GA "Bitumen; Prüfverfahren und Anforderungen für die Bindemittel" ("Bitumen; test methods and specifications of binders") at ...

from 35.60 EUR VAT included

from 33.27 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2012-07

DIN EN 1425:2012-07
Bitumen and bituminous binders - Characterization of perceptible properties; German version EN 1425:2012

The properties of bituminous binders depend on a number of factors, such as type (pure bitumen, bitumen emulsion, cutback or fluxed bitumen), grade and temperature. The physical properties are ...

from 43.40 EUR VAT included

from 40.56 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [NEW] 2025-01

DIN EN 1426:2025-01
Bitumens and bituminous binders - Determination of needle penetration; German version EN 1426:2024

from 87.90 EUR VAT included

from 82.15 EUR VAT excluded

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Draft standard 2024-03

DIN EN 1427:2024-03 - Draft
Bitumens and bituminous binders - Determination of the softening point - Ring and Ball method; German and English version prEN 1427:2024

from 109.50 EUR VAT included

from 102.34 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication DIN-Taschenbuch 404/2 2024-11

Stahl und Eisen: Gütenormen 4/2
Maschinenbau/Werkzeugbau - Rohre für den Maschinenbau, Werkzeugstahl und Stahlguss

from 171.00 EUR VAT included

from 159.81 EUR VAT excluded

Publication DIN-Taschenbuch 455/1 2024-11

Gießereiwesen 2: Nichteisenmetallguss
Toleranzen und Zeichnungsangaben; Prüfbescheinigungen; Technische Lieferbedingungen; Prüfnormen; Zubehör

from 194.00 EUR VAT included

from 181.31 EUR VAT excluded

Publication DIN-Taschenbuch 286 2024-11

Korrosion und Korrosionsschutz
Korrosionsschutz von Stahlbauten

from 228.00 EUR VAT included

from 213.08 EUR VAT excluded

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