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Pre-standard 2023-06

DIN CEN ISO/TS 3250:2023-06
Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Calculation and reporting production efficiency in the operating phase (ISO/TS 3250:2021); English version CEN ISO/TS 3250:2022
Procedure : Pre-Standard

from 158.30 EUR VAT included

from 147.94 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2020-01

DIN EN ISO 10426-3:2020-01
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Cements and materials for well cementing - Part 3: Testing of deepwater well cement formulations (ISO 10426-3:2019); English version EN ISO 10426-3:2019

from 65.70 EUR VAT included

from 61.40 EUR VAT excluded

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Draft standard 2018-03

DIN EN ISO 10426-4:2018-03 - Draft
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Cements and materials for well cementing - Part 4: Preparation and testing of foamed cement slurries at atmospheric pressure (ISO/DIS 10426-4:2018); English version prEN ISO 10426-4:2018

from 50.70 EUR VAT included

from 47.38 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2024-12

DIN EN ISO 10426-5:2024-12
Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy - Cements and materials for well cementing - Part 5: Determination of shrinkage and expansion of well cement formulations (ISO 10426-5:2024); English version EN ISO 10426-5:2024

from 109.50 EUR VAT included

from 102.34 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2015-04

DIN EN ISO 10628-1:2015-04
Diagrams for the chemical and petrochemical industry - Part 1: Specification of diagrams (ISO 10628-1:2014); German version EN ISO 10628-1:2015

This standard specifies the classification, content, and representation of flow diagrams. In addition, it lays down drafting rules for flow diagrams for chemical and petrochemical industry. The ...

from 87.90 EUR VAT included

from 82.15 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 2016-12

DIN EN ISO 10628-1 Beiblatt 1:2016-12
Diagrams for the chemical and petrochemical industry - Part 1: Specification of diagrams; Supplement 1: National addition for plant identification codes and letter codes

This Supplement to DIN EN ISO 10628-1 contains additional information on plant identification codes and letter codes. The Supplement has been prepared by Working Committee NA 012-00-03 AA ...

from 87.90 EUR VAT included

from 82.15 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2021-10

DIN EN ISO 15663:2021-10
Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Life cycle costing (ISO 15663:2021); English version EN ISO 15663:2021

from 238.30 EUR VAT included

from 222.71 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2016-07

DIN EN ISO 17349:2016-07
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Offshore platforms handling streams with high content of CO₂ at high pressures (ISO 17349:2016); English version EN ISO 17349:2016

This International Standard contains provisions for design of topside facilities for offshore plants handling CO2-rich streams at high pressures with a CO2 molar concentration above 10 %. The ...

from 150.80 EUR VAT included

from 140.93 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2019-03

DIN EN ISO 17782:2019-03
Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Scheme for conformity assessment of manufacturers of special materials (ISO 17782:2018); English version EN ISO 17782:2018

from 156.50 EUR VAT included

from 146.26 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2018-05

DIN EN ISO 19008:2018-05
Standard cost coding system for oil and gas production and processing facilities (ISO 19008:2016); English version EN ISO 19008:2018

from 87.90 EUR VAT included

from 82.15 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication DIN-Taschenbuch 404/2 2024-11

Stahl und Eisen: Gütenormen 4/2
Maschinenbau/Werkzeugbau - Rohre für den Maschinenbau, Werkzeugstahl und Stahlguss

from 171.00 EUR VAT included

from 159.81 EUR VAT excluded

Publication DIN-Taschenbuch 455/1 2024-11

Gießereiwesen 2: Nichteisenmetallguss
Toleranzen und Zeichnungsangaben; Prüfbescheinigungen; Technische Lieferbedingungen; Prüfnormen; Zubehör

from 194.00 EUR VAT included

from 181.31 EUR VAT excluded

Publication DIN-Taschenbuch 286 2024-11

Korrosion und Korrosionsschutz
Korrosionsschutz von Stahlbauten

from 228.00 EUR VAT included

from 213.08 EUR VAT excluded

Standards Flat Rate: Original documents at an attractive fixed price

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