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Standard [CURRENT] 2013-06

DIN 32539:2013-06
Flame cleaning of steel and concrete surfaces

The standard specifies requirements for flame cleaning regarding the method, the necessary equipment and means, high-quality execution, the requirements for flame cleaning personnel and the ...

from 80.20 EUR VAT included

from 74.95 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2010-05

DIN 50315:2010-05
Testing of metallic abrasives by centrifugal blasting - Wear testing, efficiency testing

This standard deals with the testing of metallic abrasives in as-delivered and unused conditions by centrifugal blasting under both laboratory and field conditions. Generally, the purpose of the ...

from 65.70 EUR VAT included

from 61.40 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2019-04

DIN 50940-1:2019-04
Determination of the inhibiting effect of pickling inhibitors - Part 1: Inhibition of the removal of ferrous materials

from 72.60 EUR VAT included

from 67.85 EUR VAT excluded

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Technical rule [CURRENT] 2023-09

DIN/TR 55684:2023-09
Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems - Testing of surfaces before application of coating materials for containments that cannot be detected visually

from 64.10 EUR VAT included

from 59.91 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2018-10

DIN EN 13507:2018-10
Thermal spraying - Pre-treatment of surfaces of metallic parts and components for thermal spraying; German version EN 13507:2018

from 58.30 EUR VAT included

from 54.49 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2003-11

DIN EN 13887:2003-11
Structural adhesives - Guidelines for surface preparation of metals and plastics prior to adhesive bonding; German version prEN 13887:2003

from 102.10 EUR VAT included

from 95.42 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2021-04

DIN EN ISO 3861:2021-04
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for sand and grit blasting - Specification (ISO 3861:2021); German version EN ISO 3861:2021

from 80.20 EUR VAT included

from 74.95 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2007-12

DIN EN ISO 8501-1:2007-12
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings (ISO 8501-1:2007); German version EN ISO 8501-1:2007

498.50 EUR VAT included

465.89 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2002-03

DIN EN ISO 8501-2:2002-03
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 2: Preparation grades of previously coated steel substrates after localized removal of previous coatings (ISO 8501-2:1994); German version EN ISO 8501-2:2001 (Endorsement of EN ISO 8501-2:2001 as German Standard)

from 17.10 EUR VAT included

from 15.98 EUR VAT excluded

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Draft standard 2024-09

DIN EN ISO 8501-3:2024-09 - Draft
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 3: Preparation grades of welds, edges and other areas with surface imperfections (ISO/DIS 8501-3:2024); German and English version prEN ISO 8501-3:2024

from 94.60 EUR VAT included

from 88.41 EUR VAT excluded

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