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Standard [CURRENT] 2017-12

DIN 60009:2017-12
Geosynthetics - Determination and testing of the interaction coefficient to the soil using pullout test

from 72.60 EUR VAT included

from 67.85 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2024-02

DIN 60500-4:2024-02
Geotextiles and geotextile related products - Part 4: Determination of permeability normal to the plane under load at constant hydraulic water head

from 58.30 EUR VAT included

from 54.49 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2007-12

DIN 60500-8:2007-12
Geotextiles and geotextile related products - Part 8: Determination of the coefficient of water permeability with radial flow in the plane

from 50.70 EUR VAT included

from 47.38 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2008-01

DIN 61551:2008-01
Geosynthetics - Determination of burst strength

from 50.70 EUR VAT included

from 47.38 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2000-11

DIN EN 12224:2000-11
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Determination of the resistance to weathering; German version EN 12224:2000

from 50.70 EUR VAT included

from 47.38 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2021-01

DIN EN 12225:2021-01
Geosynthetics - Method for determining the microbiological resistance by a soil burial test; German version EN 12225:2020

from 50.70 EUR VAT included

from 47.38 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2021-11

DIN EN 12447:2021-11
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Screening test method for determining the resistance to hydrolysis in water; German version EN 12447:2021

from 58.30 EUR VAT included

from 54.49 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2016-12

DIN EN 13249:2016-12
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Characteristics required for use in the construction of roads and other trafficked areas (excluding railways and asphalt inclusion); German version EN 13249:2016

This document specifies the most relevant characteristics of geotextiles and geotextile-related products used in the construction of roads and other trafficked areas (excluding railways and ...

from 127.10 EUR VAT included

from 118.79 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2016-12

DIN EN 13250:2016-12
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Characteristics required for use in the construction of railways; German version EN 13250:2016

This document Standard specifies the most relevant characteristics of geotextiles and geotextile-related products used in the construction of railways, and the appropriate test methods to ...

from 127.10 EUR VAT included

from 118.79 EUR VAT excluded

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Standard [CURRENT] 2016-12

DIN EN 13251:2016-12
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products - Characteristics required for use in earthworks, foundations and retaining structures; German version EN 13251:2016

This document specifies the relevant characteristics of geotextiles and geotextile-related products used in the construction of earthworks, foundations and retaining structures, and the ...

from 127.10 EUR VAT included

from 118.79 EUR VAT excluded

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Publication DIN-Taschenbuch 404/2 2024-11

Stahl und Eisen: Gütenormen 4/2
Maschinenbau/Werkzeugbau - Rohre für den Maschinenbau, Werkzeugstahl und Stahlguss

from 171.00 EUR VAT included

from 159.81 EUR VAT excluded

Publication DIN-Taschenbuch 455/1 2024-11

Gießereiwesen 2: Nichteisenmetallguss
Toleranzen und Zeichnungsangaben; Prüfbescheinigungen; Technische Lieferbedingungen; Prüfnormen; Zubehör

from 194.00 EUR VAT included

from 181.31 EUR VAT excluded

Publication DIN-Taschenbuch 286 2024-11

Korrosion und Korrosionsschutz
Korrosionsschutz von Stahlbauten

from 228.00 EUR VAT included

from 213.08 EUR VAT excluded

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