Innenraumluftverunreinigungen - Teil 14: Bestimmung der Summe gasförmiger und partikelgebundener polychlorierter dioxin-ähnlicher Biphenyle (PCB) und polychlorierter Dibenzo-p-dioxine/Dibenzofurane (PCDD/PCDF) - Extraktion, Reinigung und Analyse mit hochauflösender Gaschromatographie und Massenspektrometrie
Englischer Titel
Indoor air - Part 14: Determination of total (gas and particle-phase) polychlorinated dioxin-like biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDDs/PCDFs) - Extraction, clean-up and analysis by high-resolution gas chromatography and mass spectrometry
Checking the method and minimum requirement for method validation
Minimum requirements for identification
Minimum requirements for quantification
Quality assurance criteria for the procedure blanks
Field blank requirements
Analytical blank
GC/MS blank
Sampling standards
Extraction standards
Calculation and presentation of results
Safety measures
Performance characteristics
Standard deviation of the overall method (sampling, preparation and analysis)
Detection limits
Structure, toxicity and calculation of toxic equivalents (informative)
Generic structures of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs
Structures of selected coplanar PCBs
Toxicity and calculation of the toxic equivalents for PCDDs/PCDFs and PCBs
Example for the clean-up of PCBs/PCDDs/PCDFs and the separation of PCBs from PCDDs/PCDFs (informative)
Chromatography column I
Chromatography column II
Additional clean-up I
Additional clean-up II for separation of non-ortho-PCBs
Carbon column
Preparation of carbon column
Addition of the recovery standard
GC/MS analysis (informative)
Masses of the ions for PCDDs/PCDFs and PCBs (informative)
Interferences (informative)
Calibration solutions for GC/MS calibration (normative)
Standard deviations, detection limits and indoor air concentrations for PCBs (informative)
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