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Technical rule [WITHDRAWN]

VDI/VDE 3512 Blatt 2:2009-02

Temperature measurements for building automation - Temperatur sensors, temperature sensing elements and their measurements parameters

German title
Temperaturmessung für die Gebäudeautomation - Temperaturfühler, Temperatursensoren und ihre messtechnischen Parameter
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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German, English

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Short description
This guideline applies only in conjunction with guideline VDI/VDE 3512 Part 1. It contains technical parameters and requirements for electric and electronic temperature sensors, which dominate the thermometers used in building automation. The (primary) sensors used in these electric and electronic temperature sensors vary greatly. However, their permitted deployment in building automation depends not on the sensor type, but on compliance with the technical or application-based parameters as described in this guideline. From an application-based perspective, Section 4 draws up a distinction according to the physicaltechnical sensing principle and furthermore with regard to the available output signals. In terms of classification, it should also be noted that a transducer (transmitter) or bus module or similar permanently built into a passive resistance thermometer, converts it into an active thermometer. The assessments and restrictions relating to the sensor parameters in this guideline do not apply to all sensor types and constructions, but only to the most common ones and those decisively affecting the energy efficiency of buildings. This guideline does not restrict the basically unjustified multiplicity of primary sensors, nevertheless it carries out a quality classification that is independent of sensor type. To ensure that the classification is meaningful in practice, guideline VDI/VDE 3512 Part 4 also draws up test conditions. As a result, for the first time different sensor systems become technically comparable (that is, especially with regard to accuracy) as part of tenders. Thus, energy balances can be performed more accurately.
Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: VDI/VDE 3512 Blatt 2:2017-03 .

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