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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 6230 Blatt 1:2024-08

Measurement of liquid tightness with air testing systems

German title
Messung der Flüssigkeitsdichtheit mit Luftprüfsystemen
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Short description
Sealing surfaces for installations for handling substances hazardous to water shall be regularly inspected for leak tightness to ensure that substances hazardous to water cannot penetrate into the soil and groundwater. Sealing surfaces on existing installations are considered to be liquid-tight and resistant, provided that no defects are noted by visual inspection. The aim of this standard is to detect and prove leaks in sealing surfaces with an air testing system. In particular, the air testing system allows the identification of leaks that can hardly be detected by visual inspection.This means that the air testing method can be used in addition to the existing visual inspection of sealing surfaces. A controlled overpressure is applied under the surface to be tested. Injected air that passes through the sealing surface to the surface is made visible on the surface with the aid of a foam-forming indicator. The target group for this standard are operators of AwSV facilities, authorities, expert organisations, WHG specialist companies and engineering offices that are active in the field of water protection and are affected by this topic.
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