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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 5706 Blatt 2:2024-05

Management of hygienically relevant surfaces in medical facilities - Classification and design of hygienically relevant surfaces - Design notes for different risk classes

German title
Management hygienisch relevanter Flächen in medizinischen Einrichtungen - Klassifizierung und Design hygienisch relevanter Flächen - Designhinweise für unterschiedliche Risikoklassen
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Publication date
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German, English

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Short description
The standard provides an overview of hygiene-relevant design recommendations and contains appropriate design information. It refers to hygienically relevant surfaces of e. g. medical products, furnishings and floor surfaces in the healthcare sector. These surfaces are prepared in particular by means of wipe cleaning or disinfection and pose a potential risk of the transmission of microorganisms for patients, users or third parties. The target groups of this standard are medical device manufacturers, users of medical devices and operators of medical facilities, manufacturers and users of objects in the medical environment, hospital planning persons and supervising authorities.
11.040.01, 11.080.01
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