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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 4521 Blatt 3:2020-07

Inventive problem solving with TRIZ - Solution search

German title
Erfinderisches Problemlösen mit TRIZ - Lösungssuche
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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German, English

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Short description
The theory of inventive problem solving, TRIZ, is a system of assumptions, rules, methods and tools for innovative system design of products, processes, services or organizations. TRIZ can be used independent of specific fields of technology. The standard deals with methods and tools that focus on the phase of the solution search such as those for system analysis and direct solution determination (substance-field analysis), system optimization (trimming), process improvement, the prognosis of future system configurations (system operator and evolution of engineering systems) as well as for the identification of possible errors (anticipatory failure determination), which can then be excluded or treated, for example, in an FMEA.
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