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This guideline should be applied after using VDI 4506 Part 1 if the action-related findings there obtained concentrate on the development and optimization of services or on performance systems (services and physical goods). The "Company" business plan in VDI 4506 Part 1 here becomes the "Services" business plan. The approach is the same methodologically except that questions now focus on and around services or performance systems. Even independently of the application of VDI 4506 Part 1, the guideline is still a valuable guide for both beginners and experienced individuals. One particular aim of this guideline is to provide assistance in converting existing free-of-charge services into services against payment. The guideline should make aware how this is seen by the customer. Every service is noticed and evaluated by the customer, even unplanned and free services. This evaluation is an input into the personal brand value from the point of view of your customer.