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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 4068 Blatt 4:2018-06

Competent Persons - Requirements for external training for the testing of handheld electric operated tools

German title
Zur Prüfung befähigte Personen - Anforderungen an die externe Ausbildung für die Prüfung handgeführter elektrisch betriebener Arbeitsmittel
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Original language
German, English

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Short description
This standard provides external training bodies with information about the qualifications applicable to a Competent Person tasked with conducting inspections of electrically operated tools, within the meaning of the Workplace Safety and Health Ordinance (BetrSichV). Handheld electrically operated tools which are used in hazardous areas require special approval. Tools of this kind are not covered by this standard. Qualification of employees of an approved inspection center (Zugelassene Überwachungsstelle or ZÜS) is not covered.
Replacement amendments

This document replaces VDI 4068 Blatt 4:2011-04 .

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