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Technical rule [CURRENT]

VDI 2050 Blatt 3:2018-11

Requirements for technical equipment rooms - Heating systems

German title
Anforderungen an Technikzentralen - Wärme-/Heiztechnik
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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German, English

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Short description
This standard conveys accumulated experience and its application can lead to practical problem solving. The space requirement for the described heating devices is exemplified graphically or in tabular form and can be seen as a reference value. The illustrations partly take into account a tolerance range of ±5 %. In order to ensure the commercial design, operation and maintenance of heat supply systems in compliance with the legal requirements, it is necessary to define the required areas for technical equipment rooms and installation areas at an early stage. The standard provides recommendations for the necessary space requirements of technical equipment rooms for heat supply systems and for the installation of the necessary heating apparatuses and installations for buildings as well as for their outdoor systems. VDI 2050 Part 1 can be used for the preliminary consideration of the technical area determination. VDI 3810 Part 3 must be observed for the intended operation of heat supply systems.
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