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Technical rule [CURRENT]

DIN CEN/TS 81-76:2011-10

DIN SPEC 69281-76:2011-10

Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Particular applications for passengers and goods passenger lifts - Part 76: Evacuation of disabled persons using lifts; German version CEN/TS 81-76:2011

German title
Sicherheitsregeln für die Konstruktion und den Einbau von Aufzügen - Besondere Anwendungen für Personen- und Lastenaufzüge - Teil 76: Personenaufzüge für die Evakuierung von Personen mit Behinderungen; Deutsche Fassung CEN/TS 81-76:2011
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This Technical Specification contains rules for the intended use of the lift by persons with disabilities in order to assist the evacuation of a building. To achieve this objective, the selected lifts should be incorporated within an overall building design that includes all the usual stairs and escape routes without any reduction in their quantity or capacity. This document has been developed as a first step towards defining requirements for a European Standard for evacuation of lifts. It is believed that since recommendations have been put in place to provide disabled access to buildings, by using lifts complying with DIN EN 81-70, a standardised evacuations lift design would be a useful step to providing safe evacuation. The purpose of this Technical Specification is to show how lifts can be designed in order to be used for evacuation and to list the requirements not directly part of the lift itself, but which have to be satisfied in order to make its use practical and safe. This Technical Specification includes the German version of CEN/TS 81-76:2011 which has been prepared by CEN/TC 10 "Lifts, escalators and moving walks" of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). The national interests were represented by Working Committee NA 060-33-01 AA "Aufzüge" ("Lifts") of the Mechanical Engineering Standards Committee (NAM) at DIN. Representatives of manufacturers and users of lifts as well as representatives of professional and trade associations were involved in the preparation of the standard.


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