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Technical rule [CURRENT]

DIN CEN/TR 16792:2015-11

DIN SPEC 60008:2015-11

Safety of children's clothing - Recommendations for the design and manufacture of children's clothing - Mechanical safety; German version CEN/TR 16792:2014

German title
Sicherheit von Kinderbekleidung - Empfehlungen für das Design und die Herstellung von Kinderbekleidung - Mechanische Sicherheit; Deutsche Fassung CEN/TR 16792:2014
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Original language
Technical report

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Directive 2001/95/EC on general product safety requires that all products placed on the market are safe and provides information on how product safety should be assessed. Product safety can be assessed in accordance with the General Product Safety Directive by reference to the following: - specific product legislation; - national regulations; - European standards, the references of which have been published in the Official Journal of the European Union; - other European standards; - European Community technical specifications; - national standards (that is, national standards that are not versions of European standards); - industry codes of good practice; - European Technical Report (TR); - state of the art and technology; and - safety which consumers can reasonably expect. Further details on product safety assessment are given in the EU Directive 2001/95/EC on general product safety. When designing children's clothing, it is essential to consider the behaviour of children whose urge to explore and challenge leads them to use objects in new and different ways. A common feature among children is that they have no knowledge of cause and effect and are therefore much less careful of hazards than adults. It should be stressed that it is essential that the recommendations made in this Technical Report are taken into account from the earliest possible stage, that is, the design stage. This Technical Report provides recommendations for the design and manufacture of safe children's clothing with regard to mechanical hazards. This Technical Report gives recommendations for the design and manufacture of safe children’s clothing in relation to mechanical hazards. This Technical Report also gives recommendations on safety aspects of the packaging and display of children's clothing, including guidance for retailers. This Technical Report is applicable to clothing including bonnets, hats, gloves, scarves, socks and other clothing accessories intended for all children up to 14 years of age. It is suggested that dressing up clothes meet the recommendations of this Technical Report in addition to the requirements of EN 71. This Technical Report is intended for use at all stages of the clothing supply chain, including use by designers, product developers and manufacturers of children's clothing. It is also intended to be used by importers, distributors and retailers to assist them in the selection of clothing that does not present a hazard. The German standardization committee responsible for this standard is NA 106-01-02 AA "Textilien und Bekleidung - Kennzeichnung, Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren" at DIN Standards Committee Textiles and Textile Machinery.

61.020, 97.190

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