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Standard [CURRENT]

VG 95574:2011-12

Magnetic item ranging - Magnetic properties of materials and equipment - Terms and explanatory notes; Text in German and English

German title
Magnetische Vermessung - Magnetische Eigenschaften von Werkstoffen und Geräten - Begriffe und Erläuterungen; Text Deutsch und Englisch
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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Along with other signatures each ship also exhibits a particular electromagnetic signature, which is dependent on the metallic materials the ship's hull primarily consists of (ferromagnetic hull) and on the materials and electromagnetic properties of installations and equipment carried along or installed. As signatures can be detected over great distances, efforts are made to reduce them or keep them as small as possible (non-magnetisable construction type). The terms specified in this standard and their explanatory notes describe selected magnetic properties of products essential for the electromagnetic flux density size and, therewith, for the electromagnetic signature. The terms are used in order to allocate the products (unmachined parts, semi-finished products and equipment) to a specific magnetic status. This standard is a product standard in the field of magnetic signatures. It has been prepared by the Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Standards Committee (NSMT) at DIN, Working Committee NA 132-03-15 AA "Magnetik" ("Magnetic item ranging").

Cooperation at DIN

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