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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN ISO 2889:2012-07

Sampling airborne radioactive materials from the stacks and ducts of nuclear facilities (ISO 2889:2010)

German title
Probenentnahme von luftgetragenen radioaktiven Stoffen aus Kanälen und Kaminen kerntechnischer Anlagen (ISO 2889:2010)
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The European Standards on monitoring of gaseous effluents on radioactive contaminations refer to ISO 2889 with respect to sampling. For this reason it is adopted as DIN ISO 2889 into the German body of standards to replace the previous national standards of the DIN 25423 series. Its application in Germany is supported by numerous national footnotes. Furthermore, the following supplements with additional information on DIN ISO 2889 are simultaneously published or will be published soon: DIN ISO 2889 Supplement 1 Distribution of activity via the diameter of aerosol particles DIN ISO 2889 Supplement 2 Assessment of the changes in the concentration of aerosol particles due to non-isokinetic sampling DIN ISO 2889 Supplement 3 Estimation of depositional losses in sample lines DIN ISO 2889 Supplement 4 Sampling methods The recommendations of this standard are aimed at sampling that is conducted for regulatory compliance and system control. If existing air-sampling systems are not designed to the performance requirements and recommendations of this standard, an evaluation of the performance of the system is advised. If deficiencies are discovered, an optimization study should be carried out to determine whether or not a retrofit is needed and practicable is recommended. The standard addresses some topics which have not yet been dealt with or have been dealt with in considerably shorter form in DIN 25423-1:1999-12, DIN 25423-2:2000-08, DIN 25423-3:1987-03 and DIN 25423 Supplement 1:1987-03, for example: a) quality assurance/monitoring with detailed explanation in the annex; b) flow rate measurement; c) uncertainties in a separate annex; d) methods for verification of mixing and performance data, with detailed description of various methods; e) considerations regarding transuranic elements, tritium, carbon-14 and ruthenium-106. The responsible committee is Joint Subcommittee GUK 967.2 "Aktivitätsmessgeräte für den Strahlenschutz" ("Radiation protection instrumentation") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE (, collaborating with the Radiology Standards Committee (NAR).


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