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DIN IEC 60533:2010-11

Electrical and electronic installations in ships - Electromagnetic compatibility (IEC 60533:1999)

German title
Elektrische und elektronische Anlagen auf Schiffen - Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (IEC 60533:1999)
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This standard contains the German version of the International Standard IEC 60533:1999 "Electrical and electronic installations in ships - Electromagnetic compatibility" of Technical Committee IEC/TC 18 "Electrical installations of ships and of mobile and fixed offshore units". The original English version has been prepared under German direction by WG 21 "Electromagnetic Compatibility" of IEC/TC 18. The national Mirror Committee and producer of the translation is Working Committee NA 132-03-03 AA "Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (EMV), Netzqualität" ("Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), power quality"). Under the electromagnetic ambient conditions of a ship, numerous electrical equipment and installations - from energy production and distribution to navigation equipment - are required to function unimpaired. To maintain the safe operation of the "overall system of the ship", they are neither permitted to disturb one another nor may they be inadmissibly susceptible to interference. For this reason, the International Maritime Organisation, IMO (a special UNO organisation), decided in 1995 to call upon the governments to ensure "that all electrical and electronic operating equipment of a ship are tested according to the relevant EMV standards". The corresponding resolution A.813 (19) is found in informative Annex A of this standard. In order to ensure the implementation of this decision, the International standard IEC 60533 was published as the successive document of a technical report with the same title in 1999. The standard is applicable in conjunction with the applicable standards of series IEC 61000-4 (Interference immunity), CISPR 16 (Emitted interference) and IEC 60945 "Testing of maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment". The normative part of DIN IEC 60533 contains specifications for planning EMC tests and their practical implementation, including the eligible emitted interference limits and interference immunity level. Informative Annex B contains a selection of methods which can help the manufacturer to plan for sufficient electromagnetic compatibility on the ships which he is responsible to manufacture. Informative Annex C describes by which concrete measures compliance to the so planned requirements for electromagnetic compatibility can be achieved and maintained during the period of use of the ship. The standard applies to ships with metallic hulls. At this time, there is still no demand for a corresponding standard with requirements for ships with non-metallic hulls.

Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: DIN IEC 60533:2021-05 .

Cooperation at DIN

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