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DIN EN ISO 3961:2013-12

Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of iodine value (ISO 3961:2013); German version EN ISO 3961:2013

German title
Tierische und pflanzliche Fette und Öle - Bestimmung der Iodzahl (ISO 3961:2013); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 3961:2013
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This International Standard specifies a reference method for the determination of the iodine value (commonly known in the industry as IV) of animal and vegetable fats and oils, hereinafter referred to as fats. Annex B describes a method for the calculation of the IV from fatty acid compositional data. This method is not applicable to fish oils. Furthermore cold-pressed, crude and unrefined vegetable oils as well as (partially) hydrogenated oils can give different results by the two methods. The calculated IV is affected by impurities and thermal degradation products. The International Standard has been prepared in ISO/TC 34/SC 11 "Animal and vegetable fats and oils" (secretariat: BSI, United Kingdom). CEN/TC 307 "Oil seeds, vegetable and animal fats and oils and their by-products - Methods of sampling and analysis" (secretariat: AFNOR, France) is responsible for the European Standard. On the national level, the standard is supervised by NA 057-05-05 AA " Gemeinschaftsausschuss für die Analytik von Fetten, Ölen, Fettprodukten, verwandten Stoffen und Rohstoffen (GA Fett)" ("Joint committee for the analysis of fats, oils and products thereof, related and primary products") of the German Society for Fat Science (DGF) and NAL.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN ISO 3961:2011-12 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 3961:2018-11 .

Cooperation at DIN

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