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DIN EN ISO 3266:2010-10

Forged steel eyebolts grade 4 for general lifting purposes (ISO 3266:2010); German version EN ISO 3266:2010

German title
Geschmiedete Ringschrauben aus Stahl, Güteklasse 4, für allgemeine Hebezwecke (ISO 3266:2010); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 3266:2010
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This document (EN ISO 3266) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 111 "Round steel link chains, chain slings, components and accessories", the secretariat of which is held by JISC (JAPAN), in cooperation with Technical Committee CEN/TC 168 "Chains, ropes, webbing, slings and accessories - Safety", the secretariat of which is held by BSI (Great Britain). NA 085-00-03 AA "Anschlagketten und Zubehör" ("Forged components") of the Round Steel Link Chains Standards Committee is responsible for the German participation and translation. This International Standard specifies the general characteristics, performance and critical dimensions necessary for interchangeability and compatibility with other components, of eyebolts grade 4 for general lifting purposes. These eyebolts may be used for axial and inclined lifting. By German suggestion, the standard includes "Grade 4 for general lifting purposes" in the title as a distinguishing feature from DIN 580 "Eye bolts", which specifies bolts made of steel and stainless steel. It is not intended to withdraw the national standard DIN 580 as these eye bolts - comparable with grade 2 chains - are aligned with the general lifting capacities in the German industry. The interior dimensions of the eyelet of this standard are given as minimum dimensions as many eyebolts with welded master links corresponding to DIN EN 1677-6 "Short link chain for lifting purposes - Safety - Part 6: Chain slings - Grade 4" are delivered where a small eyelet is sufficient. If a large eyelet is necessary it shall be agreed upon when ordered.

Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 3266:2016-05 .

Cooperation at DIN

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