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DIN EN ISO 20685:2010-11

3-D scanning methodologies for internationally compatible anthropometric databases (ISO 20685:2010); German version EN ISO 20685:2010

German title
3D-Scanverfahren für international kompatible anthropometrische Datenbanken (ISO 20685:2010); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 20685:2010
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This European/International Standard (EN ISO 20685:2010) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 159 "Ergonomics" in cooperation with Technical Committee CEN/TC 122 "Ergonomics", the secretariat of which is held by DIN (Germany). Joint Committee NA 023-00-03 GA "Gemeinschaftsarbeitsausschuss NAErg/NAM: Anthropometrie und Biomechanik" ("Joint Committee NAErg/NAM: Anthropometry and Biomechanics") of the Ergonomics Standards Committee (NAErg) is responsible at DIN, the German Institute for Standardization e. V. Anthropometric measures are key to many International Standards. These measures can be gathered using a variety of instruments. An instrument with relatively new application to anthropometry is a three-dimensional (3-D) scanner. 3-D scanners generate a 3-D point cloud of the outside of the human body that can be used for clothing and automotive design, engineering and medical applications. Many users extract one-dimensional (1-D) data from 3-D point clouds. This standard concerns the application of 3-D scanners to the collection of one-dimensional anthropometric data for use in design. There are a number of different fundamental technologies that underlie commercially available systems. These include stereophotogrammetry, ultrasound and light (laser light, white light and infrared). Further, the software that is available to process data from the scan varies in its methods. Additionally, software to extract dimensions similar to traditional dimensions varies markedly in features and capabilities. As a result of differences in fundamental technology, hardware and software, extracted measurements from several different systems can be markedly different for the same individual. Since 3-D scanning can be used to gather measurements, such as lengths and circumferences, it is important to develop an International Standard that allows users of such systems to judge whether the 3-D system is adequate for these needs. The intent of ISO 20685 is to ensure comparability of body measurements as specified by ISO 7250-1 but measured with the aid of 3-D body scanners with those obtained with traditional anthropometric instruments such as tape measures and callipers. It is further intended that by conformance with this International Standard any data extracted from scans will be suitable for inclusion in international databases such as those described in ISO 15535.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN ISO 20685:2006-02 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 20685-1:2019-03 .

Cooperation at DIN

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