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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN ISO 20349:2011-03

Personal protective equipment - Footwear protecting against thermal risks and molten metal splashes as found in foundries and welding - Requirements and test method (ISO 20349:2010); German version EN ISO 20349:2010

German title
Persönliche Schutzausrüstung - Schuhe zum Schutz gegen thermische Risiken und Spritzer geschmolzenen Metalls - Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren (ISO 20349:2010); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 20349:2010
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DIN EN ISO 20349 specifies requirements and test methods for footwear for use by workers exposed to molten metal hazards such as in foundries or during welding. It specifies requirements for protection, ergonomic characteristics, innocuousness, mechanical properties, marking and information for users. It also describes the appropriate test methods. The standard serves as a basis for placing protective footwear for motorcycle riders on the market under Directive 89/686/EEC on personal protective equipment. It addresses, for instance, manufacturers, test institutes or users of footwear protecting against molten metal splash. This standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 161 "Foot and leg protectors in equipment", the secretariat of which is held by BSI, in collaboration with Technical Committee ISO/TC 94 "Personal safety - Protective clothing and equipment". The responsible German standardization committee is Working Committee NA 075-04-01 AA "Fuß- und Beinschutz" ("Foot and leg protectors") of the Personal Protective Equipment Standards Committee (NPS) at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 20349-1:2017-12 , DIN EN ISO 20349-2:2017-12 .

Cooperation at DIN

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