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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN ISO 14021:2012-04

Environmental labels and declarations - Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling) (ISO 14021:1999 + Amd 1:2011); German and English version EN ISO 14021:2001 + A1:2011

German title
Umweltkennzeichnungen und -deklarationen - Umweltbezogene Anbietererklärungen (Umweltkennzeichnung Typ II) (ISO 14021:1999 + Amd 1:2011); Deutsche und Englische Fassung EN ISO 14021:2001 + A1:2011
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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DIN EN ISO 14021 specifies requirements for self-declared environmental claims, including statements, symbols and graphics, regarding products. It further specifies selected terms commonly used in environmental claims and gives qualifications for their use. This standard also specifies a general evaluation and verification methodology for self-declared environmental claims and specific evaluation and verification methods for the selected claims in this standard. Additional terms and definitions and specifications are included by the newly added amendment to DIN EN ISO 14021:2001-12. The newly specified terms and definitions originate from the thematic areas of biomass, greenhouse gases and sustainability. With respect to these areas, additional specifications to qualifications for labelling for each thematic area and for the application of the terms and definitions have been made. The committee responsible for the standard is NA 172-00-03 AA "Ökobilanzen und umweltbezogene Kennzeichnung" ("Life cycle assessment and environmental labelling") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN ISO 14021:2001-12 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 14021:2016-07 .

Cooperation at DIN

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