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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN ISO 10399:2010-06

Sensory analysis - Methodology - Duo-trio test (ISO 10399:2004); German version EN ISO 10399:2010

German title
Sensorische Analyse - Prüfverfahren - Duo-Trio-Prüfung (ISO 10399:2004); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 10399:2010
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This document contains a sensory test procedure for determining whether a perceptible sensory difference or similarity exists between samples of two different products. The method is a forced-choice procedure. It is applicable independent of the fact whether a difference exists in a single sensory attribute or in several attributes. The method is applicable even when the nature of the difference is unknown. It is particularly suitable for tests for difference, for tests for similarity, or also for selecting, training and monitoring assessors. The method is statistically less efficient than the triangle test described in DIN EN ISO 4120. It is, however, easier to perform by the assessors. This document contains the definitions for special terms such as, for example, sensitivity, similarity, and triad. It includes requirements for test conditions, qualification, and number of assessors and describes the test procedure using the constant-reference technique and the balanced-reference technique. Furthermore, the standard contains information on statistical analysis and interpretation of results when testing for a difference and when testing for a similarity. Annex A provides tables on the minimum number of correct responses needed to conclude that a perceptible difference exists, the maximum number of correct responses required for similarity, and the number of required assessors. Annex B gives an example that confirms the existence of a difference by balanced reference technique and an example that confirms the similarity of two samples by constant reference technique. Reference is made to other relevant standards of ISO/TC 34/SC 12 "Sensory analysis"; including the vocabulary standard ISO 5492 (multilingual version) and DIN ISO 3534-1 (Vocabulary and symbols used in statistics). This European Standard incorporates without any alterations the International Standard ISO 10399:2004, which has been prepared by ISO/TC 34 "Food products" (secretariat: AFNOR (France)), Subcommittee SC 12 "Sensory analysis" (secretariat: IRAM (Argentina)). On the basis of a resolution by CEN/SS C01 "Food products", ISO 10399:2004 has been adopted, without any modifications, as a European Standard under the Unique Acceptance Procedure (UAP). The collaboration of DIN at CEN for the field of responsibility of CEN/SS C01 "Food products" (secretariat: CEN Management Centre (CMC)) is performed through Working Committee NA 057-01-01 AA "Sensorik" ("Sensory analysis") of NAL.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 10971:2003-01 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 10399:2018-04 .

Cooperation at DIN

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