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DIN EN 61968-6:2017-07

Application integration at electric utilities - System interfaces for distribution management - Part 6: Interfaces for maintenance and construction (IEC 61968-6:2015); English version EN 61968-6:2016

German title
Integration von Anwendungen in Anlagen der Elektrizitätsversorgung - Systemschnittstellen für Netzführung - Teil 6: Schnittstellen für Wartung und Konstruktion (IEC 61968-6:2015); Englische Fassung EN 61968-6:2016
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The IEC 61968 standard, taken as a whole, defines interfaces for the major elements of an interface architecture for Distribution Management Systems (DMS). IEC 61968-1, Interface architecture and general recommendations, identifies and establishes requirements for standard interfaces based on an Interface Reference Model (IRM). IEC 61968-3 to 9 of this standard define interfaces relevant to each of the major business functions described by the Interface Reference Model. Part 6 of IEC 61968 specifies the information content of a set of message types that can be used to support business functions related to Maintenance and Construction. Typical uses of the message types defined in this part of IEC 61968 include planned maintenance, unplanned maintenance, conditional maintenance, work management, new service requests, etcetera. Message types defined in other parts of IEC 61968 may also be relevant to these use cases. The responsible committee is DKE/K 952 "Netzleittechnik" ("Power system management") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.

33.200, 35.240.67

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