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Part 2 of the DIN EN 60286 standard series applies to the packaging of components with two or more unidirectional leads for use in electronic equipment. In general, the tape is applied to the component leads. This standard covers requirements for taping techniques used with equipment for automatic handling, preforming of leads, insertion and other operations and includes only those dimensions which are essential to the taping of components intended for the above-mentioned purposes. The necessary terms and definitions are introduced. The package is a product made of any material of any nature to be used in containment, protection, structured alignment for automatic assembly, handling and delivery. Regarding the dimensions a distinction is made between tape width dimensions, components and sprocket hole pitches, dimensions for component position relative to the abscissa, lead terminal dimensions and tape thickness and the maximum permissible deviation of taped component dimensions. Another clause deals with the taping. All polarized components shall be aligned in one direction. The cathode connection and the emitter connection of transistors (with the exception of the TO 92 housing) shall leave the packaging last on the drawer side, unless otherwise specified in the detail specification. For TO 92 packages, the flat side shall be on top of the tape. The lead terminals of the taped components shall be free of kinks or bends between the seating plane or reference plane and the carrier tape. The components shall sit firmly enough in the tape so that their position is secured within the permissible limit deviations. The extraction force of the components in the tape plane perpendicular to the drawer side shall be greater than or equal to 5 N. The tensile strength of the tape shall be at least 15 N. The tapes shall withstand the storage of the strapped components. The tape materials shall neither spread along the lead terminals (migration) nor emit vapours which could adversely affect the solderability or the mechanical and electrical properties of the components or their lead terminals through chemical reactions (for example corrosion). Furthermore, the hold-down tape shall not come loose and thereby cause the components to lose their position in the tape after storage. Any deterioration in the quality of the carrier tape during storage shall not cause the tape to tear or prevent the components from being removed during normal processing. Tapes of adjacent layers in the packaging shall not stick to one another, for example due to leaked adhesive. The sprocket holes shall be free of residues and traces of adhesive from the carrier tape. In the following clause on packaging, reel dimensions, fan-fold container dimensions, recycling and marking are dealt with. Informative Annex A contains the dimensions for two formed leads and sprocket holes between the components or lead terminals and for two straight lead terminals and sprocket holes between the components or lead terminals. Informative Annex B contains the dimensions for three formed leads and sprocket holes between the components or between the leads. The responsible committee is DKE/K 682 "Montageverfahren für elektronische Baugruppen" ("Electronics assembly technology") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.
This document replaces DIN EN 60286-2:2009-05 .
This document has been replaced by: DIN EN IEC 60286-2:2023-11 .