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DIN EN 4660-002:2011-07

Aerospace series - Modular and Open Avionics Architectures - Part 002: Common Functional Modules; German and English version EN 4660-002:2011

German title
Luft- und Raumfahrt - Modulare und offene Avionikarchitekturen - Teil 002: CFM; Deutsche und Englische Fassung EN 4660-002:2011
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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The EN 4660 standard series has been prepared on the basis of the second phase of the ASAAC Programme (ASAAC Phase II Contract). The ASAAC is the Allied Standard Avionics Architecture Council which was founded with the aim to develop basics of modern avionics architecture. The purpose of the ASAAC Programme is to define and validate a set of open architecture standards, concepts and guidelines for Advanced Avionics Architectures (A3) in order to meet the three main drivers for the programme. The standards, concepts and guidelines produced by the Programme are to be applicable to both new aircraft and update programmes. The three main drivers for the ASAAC Programme are: - reduced life cycle costs; - improved mission performance; - improved operational performance. The standards are organised as a set of documents including: - a set of agreed standards that describe, using a top down approach, the architecture overview to all interfaces required to implement the core within avionics systems; - the guidelines for system implementation through application of the standards. Part 002 of EN 4660 defines the functionality and principle interfaces for the Common Functional Module (CFM) to ensure the interoperability of Common Functional Modules and provides design guidelines to assist in implementation of such a CFM. This document is one of a set of standards that define an Integrated Modular Avionics System which corresponds with the provisions of the ASAAC (Allied Standard Avionics Architecture Council) standard. The definition of interfaces and functionality allows a CFM design that is interoperable with all other CFM to this standard, that is technology transparent, that is open to a multi-vendor market and that can make the best use of COTS technologies. Although the physical organization and implementation of a CFM should remain the manufacturer's choice, in accordance with the best use of the current technology, it is necessary to define a structure for each CFM in order to achieve a logical definition of the CFM with a defined functionality. The definition includes: - the generic CFM, which defines the generic functionality applicable to the complete set of CFMs; - the processing capability, which defines the unique functionality associated with each CFM type within the set; - the logical and physical interfaces that enable CFMs to be interoperable and interchangeable; - the functionality required by a CFM to support the operation of the system. EN 4660-002:2011 has been prepared by ASD-STAN, Technical Section Electrics, Avionics, with the participation of German experts of the Aerospace Standards Committee. The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) declared the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD-STAN) responsible for the preparation of European standards (EN) for the field of aerospace. ASD became the associated body (ASB) of CEN by the agreement dated 1986-10-03. The responsible German standardization committee is Working Committee NA 131-04-09 AA "Avionik" ("Avionics") of the Aerospace Standards Committee at DIN.


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