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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 417:2012-05

Non-refillable metallic gas cartridges for liquefied petroleum gases, with or without a valve, for use with portable appliances - Construction, inspection, testing and marking; German version EN 417:2012

German title
Metallische Einwegkartuschen für Flüssiggas mit oder ohne Entnahmeventil zum Betrieb von tragbaren Geräten - Herstellung, Inspektion, Prüfung und Kennzeichnung; Deutsche Fassung EN 417:2012
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EN 417 covers "non-refillable metallic cartridges for liquefied petroleum gases, with or without a valve, for use with portable appliances". It has become necessary to establish a specific standard as the European Directive 2008/47/EC concerning aerosol generators does not cover the essential functions of cartridges for liquefied petroleum gas, that is, containing a gas suitable for the operation of the appliance and supplying the appliance in a gas tight fashion, taking account of its geometry and the heating that might occur. The safety of the user therefore depends on the use of cartridges complying with EN 417, which in consequence, will be marked, inspected and tested in accordance with the requirements of this standard. EN 417 also defines the tests to be used as a basis for type examination and describes a procedure which can serve as a guide to the person in the organisation who is responsible for issuing type examination certificates. The cartridges covered by EN 417 may fall under the scope of various directives; the fundamental directives are listed in the bibliography. The following modifications have been made with respect to the previous edition DIN EN 417:2003-09: a) addition of an internal leakage limiter mandatory for pierceable cartridges; b) possibility of an alternative marking for "butane" cartridges of type 200; c) addition of a reference to ADR [4] and RID [6]; d) editorial modifications. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 016-00-06 AA "Flüssiggas-Geräte und Ausrüstung; Spiegelausschuss zu CEN/TC 286" ("Liquefied petroleum gas equipment and accessories; Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 286") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 417:2003-09 .

Cooperation at DIN

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