Standard [WITHDRAWN]
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Pressure sensing devices for firing installations serve, amongst other things, the monitoring of the minimum and maximum permissible gas and air pressures. They are installed for monitoring of gas and air pressures for over-pressure, under-pressure and differential pressures in areas of industry, commercial and the household. The European Standard DIN EN 1854 specifies the safety, construction and performance requirements for pressure sensing devices. DIN EN 1854 applies to pressure sensing devices for the measurement of pressures of combustible gases of the first, second and third families, air, combustion products for maximum inlet pressures up to 500 kPa (5 bar). It applies to all types of pressure sensing devices, including electronic, differential and inferential types. The Committee responsible for this standard is NA 041-03-31 GA "Gemeinschaftsarbeitausschuss NHRS/DKE: elektrische Sicherheits- und Regeleinrichtungen für wärmeerzeugende Geräte und Anlagen (SpA CEN/TC 47/WG 2, CEN/TC 58/WG 12, CEN/TC 58/WG 14 und CEN/TC 247/JWG CLC/TC 72)" ("Joint working group NHRS/DKE: Electrical safety and control devices for heating appliances and heat generating systems (Mirror Committee to CEN/TC 47/WG 2, CEN/TC 58/WG 12, CEN/TC 58/WG 14 and CEN/TC 247/JWG CLC/TC 72)") at DIN.
This document replaces DIN EN 1854:2006-07 .
This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 1854:2024-02 , DIN EN 1854:2024-10 .