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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 16725:2017-01

Railway applications - Track - Restoration and repair of manganese crossings; German version EN 16725:2016

German title
Bahnanwendungen - Oberbau - Instandsetzung und Reparatur von Herzstücken aus Manganhartstahlguss; Deutsche Fassung EN 16725:2016
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Restoration of cast manganese crossings by electric arc welding is a special process requiring the co-ordination of welding and grinding activities to establish confidence and reliability of the weld deposit and safety of the line. Incorrect selection of materials, consumables or procedure may result in serious track welding failure. The correct application of the approved processes and the types of repairs permitted to be carried out on various rail components need to be strictly adhered to. Only consumables approved by the method described in this standard are to be used. The tasks and responsibilities of personnel involved in restoration e.g. planning, executing, supervising and inspection need to be clearly defined. This standard (EN 16725:2016) "Railway applications - Track - Restoration and repair of manganese crossings" has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 256 "Railway applications", the secretariat of which is held by DIN (Germany), and is based on an English reference version. The responsible German committee is NA 087-00-01-01 UA "Schienenschweißen" ("Welding of rails") of DIN Standards Committee Railway (FSF). This European Standard specifies restoration of cast austenitic manganese steel for fixed crossings and cradles for crossings with movable parts, designed to be flash butt welded or bolted to adjoining rails manufactured according to EN 15689. The standard also applies to flash welded leg ends of austenitic manganese steel crossings and the associated tri-metal zone. The standard specifies the approval systems for consumables and procedures used in manual metal arc and flux cored metal deposit repair welding. The standard includes the quality-related tasks and responsibilities and qualifications of personnel involved in the electric arc repair welding of cast crossings. The permitted welding processes are limited to Electric Arc (EA) in accordance with EN ISO 4063, specifically Process No 111: MMA (Manual Metal Arc) and Process No 114: FCAW (Flux Cored Arc Welding). Their applications are described. This standard may be applied for procedures in situ, at line side or at out of track locations. The purpose of this standard is to unify restoration of cast manganese crossings by electric arc welding across Europe. The standard provides control systems for the approval and qualification of welding processes, WPS, welding consumables, contractors and welders for the successful delivery of welds on crossings in service.


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