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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 16710-2:2016-10

Ergonomics methods - Part 2: A methodology for work analysis to support design; German version EN 16710-2:2016

German title
Verfahren der Ergonomie - Teil 2: Eine Methode für die Arbeitsanalyse zur Unterstützung von Entwicklung und Design; Deutsche Fassung EN 16710-2:2016
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An ergonomic design approach involves considering human capabilities, skills, limitations and needs. The main focus of ergonomic design is on the actual activities that users perform. This standard describes a procedure for analysing human activity in relation to specifying and refining the human component in the design or redesign of machinery and work systems. The objective of this European Standard is to achieve a solution that takes into account as many situations as possible which all users - including operators, maintenance staff and installers, may encounter. This will ultimately allow improved usability of the machinery and more robust technical solutions, combined with significantly greater system resilience, user autonomy and accessibility. In addition, the application of the described methodology can reduce the risks described in EN ISO 12100 as well as emerging risks, thus contributing to occupational health and safety. This standard is intended for project managers in companies who want to achieve ergonomic design of work systems with the participation of users of machines and workers in work systems. This is done with the involvement of ergonomists and their knowledge with regard to ergonomics. Committee NA 023-00-01 GA "Gemeinschaftsarbeitsausschuss NAErg/NAM: Grundsätze der Ergonomie" ("Joint working committee NAErg/NAM: Ergonomic principles") at DIN is responsible for this standard.

13.110, 13.180

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