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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 16704-2-2:2017-03

Railway applications - Track - Safety protection on the track during work - Part 2-2: Common solutions and technology - Requirements for barriers; German version EN 16704-2-2:2016

German title
Bahnanwendungen - Oberbau - Sicherungsmaßnahmen während Gleisbauarbeiten - Teil 2-2: Allgemeine Lösungen und Technologie - Anforderungen an Absperrungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 16704-2-2:2016
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The purpose of this standard is to define and harmonize requirements for barriers to separate working zone and danger zone and to prevent workers from entering the danger zone unintentionally. The purpose of this standard is not to define requirements: - for structural separation to provide safe train operation in the area of a work site (1); - for structural separation to provide safety on a work site during train operation (2). Examples for exclusions: (1) In case of crane operation on a work site the crane arm could hit or even intrude into the gauge of an open track and endanger the safety of train operation. (2) A barrier does not protect workers from items falling from passing trains. The responsible committee for this standard is NA 087-00-01-09 UA "Sicherheitsmaßnahmen während Gleisbauarbeiten" ("Safety protection on the track during work") at DIN.


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