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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 16253:2013-09

Air quality - Atmospheric measurements near ground with active Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) - Ambient air and diffuse emission measurements; German version EN 16253:2013

German title
Luftqualität - Messungen in der bodennahen Atmosphäre mit der aktiven Differentiellen Optischen Absorptionsspektroskopie (DOAS) - Immissionsmessungen und Messungen von diffusen Emissionen; Deutsche Fassung EN 16253:2013
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The publisher recommends this document in lieu of the withdrawn document VDI 4212 Blatt 1:2008-03 , for which no replacement is available.

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Publication date
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The publisher recommends this document in lieu of the withdrawn document VDI 4212 Blatt 1:2008-03 , for which no replacement is available.

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Short description
This standard describes the operation of active DOAS measuring systems with continuous radiation source, calibration procedures and applications in determining gaseous constituents (z. B. NO2, SO2, O3, BTX, Hg) in ambient air or in diffuse emissions.

This standard describes the operation of active DOAS measuring systems with continuous radiation source, their calibration procedures and applications in determining gaseous constituents (that is, NO2, SO2, O3, BTX, Hg) in ambient air or in diffuse emissions. The Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) is a versatile remote sensing technique for atmospheric trace gases. In this measuring process, the absorption of radiation in the ultraviolet, visible or infrared spectral range by gaseous constituents is measured along an open monitoring path between a radiation source and a spectrometer, and the integral concentration over the monitoring path is determined. DOAS systems support direct multi-constituent measurements. They provide alternative measuring techniques in that they can handle a large number of measuring tasks which cannot be adequately addressed by in situ techniques based on point measurements. Examples of such tasks include the monitoring of diffuse emissions from area sources such as urban settlements, traffic routes, sewage treatment plants and industrially or agriculturally used surface areas, the minimisation of production losses through a detection of leaks in equipment zones or pipeline systems as well as ambient air monitoring in any of the above-mentioned applications. With an appropriate measuring set-up, the local air pollution can usually be assessed very quickly. This also includes measurements in areas which are difficult or impossible to access, or where the direct presence of personnel or equipment is hazardous.


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