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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 16032:2012-02

Fertilizers - Extraction and determination of elemental sulfur; German version EN 16032:2011

German title
Düngemittel - Extraktion und Bestimmung von elementarem Schwefel; Deutsche Fassung EN 16032:2011
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The European Standard EN 16032 has been prepared by CEN/TC 260 "Fertilizers and liming materials" (secretariat: DIN). The national mirror committee is Working Committee NA 057-03-02 AA "Düngemittel" ("Fertilizers") of NAL. The standard has been prepared under the mandate M/335 given to CEN by the European Commission to validate the test methods specified in Annex IV of EC Regulation No 2003/2003 relating to fertilizers, adapt them to the state of the art and to publish them as European Standards. The document containing the test method has initially been published as a Technical Specification and has now been adopted as a European Standard under the Unique Acceptance Procedure (UAP). The document specifies a method for extraction and determination of the elemental sulfur contained in fertilizers. The method is applicable to EC fertilizers for which a declaration of the total sulfur content in elemental form is provided for in Annex I of Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003. After the removal of soluble compounds, sulfur is extracted by using carbon disulfide, followed by gravimetric determination of the sulfur extracted. The method of analysis involves the use of carbon disulfide (CS2); this requires special safety measures which are in particular referred to in the document. The method requires highly skilled staff and a suitably equipped laboratory.

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