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DIN EN 16009:2011-10

Flameless explosion venting devices; German version EN 16009:2011

German title
Einrichtungen zur flammenlosen Explosionsdruckentlastung; Deutsche Fassung EN 16009:2011
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DIN EN 16009 specifies the requirements for flameless explosion venting devices used to protect enclosures or systems against the major effects of internal explosions. It includes the requirements for the design, inspection, testing, marking, documentation, and packaging and is applicable to flameless explosion venting devices which are put on the market as autonomous protective systems. Here, it covers the flameless explosion venting of dust, vapour and gas explosions. Flameless explosion venting devices are used to avoid the release of flames for vented explosions. Details for the avoidance of ignition sources from detection devices or other parts of the flameless explosion venting devices are not covered. The design of the system for flameless explosion venting devices shall be carried out in accordance with EN 14491 or EN 14994. This standard is a test standard and deals in particular with aspects of safety and occupational safety. EN 16009 has been prepared by CEN/TC 305/WG 3 "Devices and systems for explosion prevention and protection" (secretariat: DIN). On the national level, the Working Committee responsible for this standard is NA 095-02-01 AA "Explosionsschutzeinrichtungen (außer Flammendurchschlagsicherungen)" ("Devices for explosion prevention (except flame arresters)") at DIN.


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