Standard [WITHDRAWN]
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Due to the operating conditions of braking or propelling, high longitudinal compressive forces can occur between some coupled freight wagons. These forces can be safety related especially in S-shaped curves with small radii under some conditions depending also on the design of the coupling. This standard defines the acceptance process to be followed by vehicles that: - are equipped with standard ends consisting of side buffers and screw couplers; and - are operated in a way that high longitudinal compressive forces may occur in the trains. The establishment of this document was based on currently existing rules, practices and procedures in order to define acceptance criteria ensuring a safe operation under the existing operating conditions. It provides a defined testing interface between vehicle design, track layout and braking operation. Investigations according to this standard are not necessary if operating practice shows that a safe operation is achieved without them. The following principles are applied: 1) The railway system requires comprehensive technical rules in order to ensure an acceptable interaction of vehicle and track. 2) Due to the numerous national and international regulations new railway vehicles shall be tested and homologated before putting them into service. In addition, existing acceptance shall be checked when operating conditions are extended. 3) In view of the significance of international traffic, the harmonisation of existing regulations is required. In some cases, additional rules are required as well: an update of existing regulations is also needed due to the considerable progress achieved in the field of railway-specific methods for measuring, evaluation and data processing. 4) It is of particular importance that the existing level of safety and reliability is not compromised even when changes in design and operating practices are demanded. This document is derived in essential parts from UIC 530-2, which is based on practical tests performed in ERRI-B12. The torsional coefficient of the car body ctt * is a significant parameter for the endurable longitudinal compressive force as well as for the safety against derailment on twisted track as defined in EN 14363. For this reason, a description of a measuring procedure for this parameter is included in this document. Furthermore, for defined standard freight wagons, the possibility of a dispensation from derailment tests on twisted track according to EN 14363:2005 is defined based on already published calculated results in the diagram collection of UIC 530-2. Variations from the conditions specified in this document are allowed as specified by Article 7 of Directive 2004/50/EC. For national or multilateral operations the infrastructure managers concerned may authorise variations to the defined conditions. Deviations from the specified rules are allowed if it can be verified that the safety is at least equivalent to that which is ensured by compliance with these rules.
Content (de)
This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 15839:2016-01 .
Corrected edition: Corrected document: Customers who purchased the previous document DIN EN 15839:2013-01 received free of charge