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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 15812:2011-06

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing - Determination of crack bridging ability; German version EN 15812:2011

German title
Kunststoffmodifizierte Bitumendickbeschichtungen zur Bauwerksabdichtung - Bestimmung des Rissüberbrückungsvermögens; Deutsche Fassung EN 15812:2011
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This standard specifies two methods (method A and method B) for determining the crack bridge properties of polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. These two test methods may be applied equally. After coating the substrate, it is treated so a defined crack is made at a nominal crack point. The applied bitumen coating is stretched so it reaches over this crack. Then mechanical stress is applied to the bitumen coating. The crack width is continuously enlarged with defined speed. The measurement is finished, when a failure in the bitumen coating occurs or when the required crack width is reached. The required crack width is kept constant for a period of 24 h. After that period a visual judgement is made. The crack-bridging properties are determined at a specified temperature. Two different test methods can be applied: The bending test (method A) or the tensile test (method B). The Committee responsible for this standard is NA 005-02-19 AA "Kunststoffmodifizierte Bitumendickbeschichtung zur Bauwerksabdichtung (SpA zu CEN/TC 361)" ("Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing (Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 361)") at DIN.


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