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DIN EN 15534-4:2014-04

Composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics (usually called wood-polymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC)) - Part 4: Specifications for decking profiles and tiles; German version EN 15534-4:2014

German title
Verbundwerkstoffe aus cellulosehaltigen Materialien und Thermoplasten (üblicherweise Holz-Polymer-Werkstoffe (WPC) oder Naturfaserverbundwerkstoffe (NFC) genannt) - Teil 4: Anforderungen an Profile und Formteile für Bodenbeläge; Deutsche Fassung EN 15534-4:2014
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This European Standard specifies the characteristics of decking profiles and tiles made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics for external use. These products are usually called wood-polymer composites (WPC) or natural fibre composites (NFC). This standard is applicable to extruded profiles but also to tiles manufactured by other plastics processing techniques, for example injection moulding. In comparison with DIN CEN/TS 15534-3:2007-08, the title has been modified and, in addition to wood, other cellulose-based materials have been included. The scope has been confined to decking profiles and tiles. Test parameters and requirements for specific characteristics have been specified; furthermore, specifications for markings and for minimum frequencies of testing for factory production control purposes have been added. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 042-02-15-01 AK "Spiegelausschuss zu CEN/TC 249/WG 13 Holz-Polymer-Werkstoffe (WPC)" ("Mirror committee for CEN/TC 249/WG 13 wood plastic composites (WPC)") at DIN.

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Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN CEN/TS 15534-3:2007-08 .

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