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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 15432-2:2013-07

Winter and road service area maintenance equipments - Front-mounted equipments - Part 2: Interchangeability on lifting systems; German version EN 15432-2:2013

German title
Winterdienst- und Straßenbetriebsdienstausstattung - Frontangebaute Maschinen - Teil 2: Austauschbarkeit an Hubsystemen; Deutsche Fassung EN 15432-2:2013
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This European Standard specifies the requirements for elements mounted to carrying vehicles to ensure interchangeability between a vehicle and different equipment that are to be mounted frontally. It specifies certain interchangeability dimensions of the front mounting plate as well as the locations of coupling devices for electrical and hydraulic connections. This European Standard specifies a mounting plate in order to cover road vehicles having a maximum total mass of up to 6,0 tons (commercial vehicles, multi-purpose vehicles, communal vehicles) which are capable of carrying front-mounted equipment for winter maintenance and for road service area maintenance. Mounting or demounting of front-mounted equipment is generally effectuated by one person using conventional tools (mobile or fixed) prior to securing of the front-mounted equipment (by, for example, bolts or hydraulic element). This European Standard does not specify vehicle-side lifting systems or receiving devices for mounting plate (device side). The vehicle body guidelines from the vehicle manufacturer should be adhered to when performing any modifications to the vehicle. This European Standard specifies, with regard to electrical and hydraulic connections, only location areas and clearance spaces in order to ensure interchangeability. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 051-03-02 AA "Maschinen für den Straßenbetriebsdienst (Spiegelgremium für CEN/TC 151/WG 16 und CEN/TC 337)" ("Highway maintenance machines (Mirror Committee for CEN/TC 151/WG 16 and CEN/TC 337")) at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 15432:2008-05 .

Cooperation at DIN

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