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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN 14654-1:2014-08

Management and control of operational activities in drain and sewer systems outside buildings - Part 1: Cleaning; German version EN 14654-1:2014

German title
Management und Überwachung von betrieblichen Maßnahmen in Entwässerungssystemen außerhalb von Gebäuden - Teil 1: Reinigung; Deutsche Fassung EN 14654-1:2014
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This European Standard establishes the general principles for the management and control of operational activities in drain and sewer systems outside buildings and specifies requirements for development and implementation of work programmes, and the selection of techniques. This European Standard covers the management and control of cleaning. It is applicable to drain and sewer systems, which operate essentially under gravity, from the point where wastewater leaves a building, roof drainage system, or paved area, to the point where it is discharged into a treatment works or receiving water body. Drains and sewers below buildings are included provided that they do not form part of the drainage system of the building. The body responsible for this standard is NA 119-05-35 AA "Planung und Betrieb von Abwasserkanälen und -leitungen (CEN/TC 165/WG 22)" ("Design and operation of drains and sewers (CEN/TC 165/WG 22)") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 14654-1:2005-12 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 14654-1:2022-12 , DIN EN 14654-3:2022-12 .

Cooperation at DIN

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