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DIN EN 14531-2:2016-04

Railway aplications - Methods for calculation of stopping and slowing distances and immobilisation braking - Part 2: Step by step calculations for train sets or single vehicles; German version EN 14531-2:2015

German title
Bahnanwendungen - Verfahren zur Berechnung der Anhalte- und Verzögerungsbremswege und der Feststellbremsung - Teil 2: Schrittweise Berechnungen für Zugverbände oder Einzelfahrzeuge; Deutsche Fassung EN 14531-2:2015
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This European Standard describes a common calculation method for railway applications. It describes the general algorithms utilizing step by step calculation for use in the design and validation of brake equipment and braking performance for all types of train sets and single vehicles. In addition, the algorithms provide a means of comparing the results of other braking performance calculation methods. The EN 14531 series was originally planned to have six parts covering the calculation methodology to be used when conducting calculations relating to the braking performance of various types of railway vehicles under the heading 'EN 14531, Railway applications - Methods for calculation of stopping, slowing distances and immobilization braking'. The six parts were as follows: - Part 1: General algorithms; - Part 2: Application to single freight wagon; - Part 3: Application to mass transit (LRVs and D- and E-MUs); - Part 4: Application to single passengers coach; - Part 5: Application to locomotive; - Part 6: Application to high speed trains. EN 14531-1 was originally published in 2005 followed by EN 14531-6 which was published in 2009. Following the publication of these parts, it was decided that a common methodology could be used for parts 2 to 5 and this should be contained under a revised version of Part 1 and Part 6 with a title of 'Railway applications - Methods for calculation of stopping and slowing distances and immobilisation braking - Part 2: Step by step calculations for train sets or single vehicles'. EN 14531-1:2005 and EN 14531-6:2009 are referenced in the current TSIs (Freight wagons and Locomotive and passenger RST). The tables of the Annex ZA give the equivalence of the TSI referenced clauses of the original EN 14531 series to the clauses of this issue of EN 14531-1 and EN 14531-2.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 14531-6:2009-12 .

Cooperation at DIN

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