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DIN EN 14428:2015-09

Shower enclosures - Functional requirements and test methods; German version EN 14428:2015

German title
Duschabtrennungen - Funktionsanforderungen und Prüfverfahren; Deutsche Fassung EN 14428:2015
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Due to the current design options for bathrooms (with a tendency towards smaller bathrooms), shower enclosures are gaining more and more importance in the product ranges of bathroom decorators and are becoming increasingly popular with consumers as useful bathroom furnishings. This standard specifies requirements for shower enclosures for domestic purposes which ensure that the product, when installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions, gives satisfactory performance when used as intended. Despite a good understanding among the major European manufacturers, exclusions had to be made: So the standard does not apply to complete shower units or curtains and does not specify aesthetic and dimensional requirements. Medical provisions of these products are excluded. The standard primarily describes the essential requirements of cleanability, impact resistance/shatter properties and durability mentioned in the now processed (first generation of harmonized European Standards in this field) Mandate M/110 "Sanitary equipment", which was assigned to CEN/TC 163 of the same name which ultimately make up the aforementioned usability of the product. So that the latter can actually be complied with, the manufacturer shall also provide detailed instructions on installation and use which include specifications for installation with special consideration of the building construction and instructions for maintenance and care. Particular attention has been paid to questions of product safety. For the currently most common sheet materials - thermally toughened safety glass and plastic, but also laminated safety glass - specific impact resistance/shatter properties have been specified, compliance with which shall be verified by an extensive test programme. The stability of the overall construction shall also be verified by simulating a person falling within the shower enclosure. For the user properties such as the corrosion resistance of the components, the resistance to chemicals and stains as well as to wet and dry cycling, the durability of guide elements after a certain number of opening and closing cycles and the water retention are among the most properties requested by the consumer will be of importance. These properties are also included in the conformity assessment. In this revised version, statements on curved glass have been included for the first time, the list of exemplary verification methods for confirming corrosion resistance has been expanded, as well as the test method for verifying the impact resistance/shatter properties of the largest particle, maximum length of the longest particle, and test requirements for curved glass. The relationship between the specifications in the standard and those in the EU Construction Products Regulation (305/2011/EU) is presented in a separate annex. The committee responsible for this standard is CEN/TC 163/WG 4 "Baths (W/Pools) - Shower trays (Performance testing)", and is mirrored on the national level by Committee NA 119-05-18-10 UA "Bade- und Duscheinrichtungen" ("Bath and shower installations") of DIN Standards Committee Water Practice.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 14428:2008-04 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 14428:2019-07 .

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