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DIN EN 13481-5:2017-05

Railway applications - Track - Performance requirements for fastening systems - Part 5: Fastening systems for slab track with rail on the surface or rail embedded in a channel; German version EN 13481-5:2012+A1:2017

German title
Bahnanwendungen - Oberbau - Leistungsanforderungen für Schienenbefestigungssysteme - Teil 5: Befestigungssysteme für feste Fahrbahn mit aufgesetzten oder in Kanälen eingebetteten Schienen; Deutsche Fassung EN 13481-5:2012+A1:2017
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The European Standard series EN 13481 "Railway applications - Track - Performance requirements for fastening systems" consists of the following parts: - Part 1: Definitions - Part 2: Fastening systems for concrete sleepers - Part 3: Fastening systems for wood sleepers - Part 4: Fastening systems for steel sleepers - Part 5: Fastening systems for slab track with rail on the surface or rail embedded in a channel - Part 7: Special fastening systems for switches and crossings and check rails. Part 6 does not exist in this series. This European Standard applies to fastening systems in categories A to D, as defined in EN 13481-1:2012, 3.1, for fastening rails to the surface of concrete or asphalt slabs and for embedded rails in ballastless tracks with maximum design axle loads and minimum track curve radii as listed in Table 1 and below: A 130 kN 40 m; B 180 kN 80 m; C 260 kN 150 m; D 260 kN 400 m. The maximum design axle load for categories A and B does not apply to maintenance vehicles. The requirements apply to: - fastening systems acting on the rail foot and/or web, including direct and indirect fastening systems; - adhesive and mechanical fastening systems for embedded rails, except cast-in rails in roadway decks. Superstructure forms where there are elastically supported concrete elements with only one supporting bearing element per rail (for example rail support blocks or sleepers in elastically supported "shoes"), the concrete element and its elastic support are considered to be parts of the elastic fastening system. If the superstructure form includes elastically supported concrete elements with more than one support element per rail (such as floating slabs), then the concrete element and its elastic support are considered to be parts of the slab and not of the fastening system. This standard only applies to fastening systems for rail profiles according to EN 13674-1 (except 49E4) or EN 13674-4. It does not apply to fastening systems for other rail profiles, rigid fastening systems or special fastening systems used for bolted or glued rail joints. This standard applies exclusively to the type approval of complete fastening systems. The changes compared to DIN EN 13481-5:2012-08 concern: a) the scope; b) the inclusion of the normative reference to EN 13146-10; c) the requirements in Subclause 5.8 "Cast-in and bonded-in fastening components" d) Annex ZA, which describes the relationship between this European standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 2008/57/EC; it has been completely revised and now refers to EU Regulation 1299/2014 (new TSI Infrastructure). This document (EN 13481-5:2012+A1:2017) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 256 "Railway applications", the secretariat of which is held by DIN. The responsible German committee is Subcommittee NA 087-00-01-04 UA "Schienenbefestigungssysteme" ("Fastening systems") at DIN Standards Committee Railway (FSF).

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 13481-5:2012-08 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 13481-5:2022-11 .

Cooperation at DIN

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