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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 13160-7:2016-12

Leak detection systems - Part 7: Requirements and test/assessment methods for interstitial spaces, leak detection linings and leak detection jackets; German version EN 13160-7:2016

German title
Leckanzeigesysteme - Teil 7: Anforderungen und Prüf-/Bewertungsmethoden für Überwachungsräume, Leckschutzauskleidungen und Leckschutzummantelungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 13160-7:2016
Publication date
  • To be withdrawn in 2025-04 and replaced by: DIN EN 13160-7, edition:2025-04

Original language

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Publication date
  • To be withdrawn in 2025-04 and replaced by: DIN EN 13160-7, edition:2025-04

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This European Standard gives requirements and the corresponding test/assessment methods applicable to leak detection lining kits and leak detection jacket kits. Leak detection lining kits and leak detection jackets kits intended to be used to create an interstitial space or leakage containment in single skin underground or above ground, non-pressurized, tanks designed for water polluting liquids. The kit has to be used only in conjunction with leak detection kits covered by EN 13160-2 to EN 13160-4. The standard differs from DIN EN 13160-7:2003-09 as follows: This standard differs from DIN EN 13160-7:2003-09 as follows: a) requirements and tests for permeation have been added; b) material PUR has been deleted; c) material properties have been changed; d) requirements from Part 1 have been adopted. This standard has been prepared under mandate M/131 "Piping, tanks and accessories not in contact with water intended for human consumption" under Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 laying down harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products. The standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 393/WG 2 "Leak detecting devices for tanks and pipes" (secretariat: DIN, Germany). The German committee involved in the preparation of the standard was Working Committee NA 104-02-03 AA "Leckanzeigegeräte" ("Leak detection devices") at DIN Standards Committee Tank Installations (NATank).

23.020.01, 23.040.99, 29.260.20
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 13160-7:2003-09 .

Cooperation at DIN

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