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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN 12643:2014-09

Earth-moving machinery - Rubber-tyred machines - Steering requirements (ISO 5010:1992, modified); German version EN 12643:2014

German title
Erdbaumaschinen - Radfahrzeuge - Lenkvermögen (ISO 5010:1992, modifiziert); Deutsche Fassung EN 12643:2014
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This standard defines relevant requirements set out in Annex I of EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, relating to machines which were placed on the European Economic Area (EEA) market for the first time, with the intent of simplifying the means of proving conformity with these requirements. Once this standard is designated a harmonized standard in the Official Journal of the European Union, the manufacturer applying this standard may assume compliance with the requirements of the Machinery Directive (so-called presumption of conformity). This European Standard specifies steering system tests and performance criteria for evaluating the steering capability of rubber-tyred self-propelled earth-moving machines having a machine speed, determined in accordance with ISO 6014:1986, greater than 20 km/h. It applies to tractors, loaders, backhoe loaders, excavators, dumpers, tractor-scrapers and graders equipped with either manual (unassisted) steering, power-assisted steering of fully powered steering as defined in ISO 6165:2006. This European Standard excludes rollers, compactors and pipe layers. This standard includes the German version of EN 12643:2014 prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 151 "Construction equipment and building material machines - Safety" at the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). The main changes with respect to DIN EN 12643:2010-04 are the following: a) update of normative references; b) content list added; c) - error correction in 10.3.4 (refers only to the English version); d) - update of Annex ZA. The national interests during the preparation were represented by Working Committee NA 060-13-01 AA "Erdbau-/Straßenbaumaschinen" ("Earth-moving machines") at Technical Section "Construction Equipment and Building Materials Machines" of the Mechanical Engineering Standards Committee (NAM) at DIN. Representatives of manufacturers and users of earth-moving machines, and of employers' liability insurance associations have been involved in the preparation.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 12643:2010-04 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 5010:2021-11 .

Cooperation at DIN

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