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DIN EN 12368:2015-09

Traffic control equipment - Signal heads; German version EN 12368:2015

German title
Anlagen zur Verkehrssteuerung - Signalleuchten; Deutsche Fassung EN 12368:2015
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Signal heads are mainly used to transfer safety messages to the road user to achieve specific reactions. Signal heads in road traffic transfer this information optically by signal lights which have a specific meaning and which differ in their colour of light and in the design of their illuminating surface. The visibility of a signal light depends on the colour, luminous intensity, luminous intensity distribution, luminance and luminance uniformity, the surrounding luminance (background luminance), the size of the illuminating area, the phantom light and the distance and angle between observer and signal head. This document applies to signal heads with one or more signal lights of the colours red, yellow and/or green signal lights for road traffic with 200 mm and 300 mm roundels and to optical units to be integrated in signal heads to produce the individual signal lights. It defines the product characteristics for the visual, structural, environmental performances and testing of signal heads and optical units for pedestrian and road traffic use, and the rules for the evaluation of the conformity of these products. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 005-10-24 GA "Anlagen zur Verkehrssteuerung (SpA zu CEN/TC 226/WG 4), Gemeinschaftsausschuss mit FGSV" ("Traffic control installations (national mirror committee for CEN/TC 226/WG 4) Joint working committee with FGSV") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 12368:2006-07 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 12368:2024-06 .

Cooperation at DIN

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